Start with hands behind the back, squeeze shoulder blades together and bring your elbows up. Try not to use the lumbar spine and focus on the upper back and shoulder blades. Repeat 10 times holding for 2-3 seconds each time. Complete 3 times per day.
Stand facing a wall with your feet staggered (one in front of the other) and your hands and elbows on the wall. Slide your hands up the wall, allowing your upper back to sag as you move closer to the wall. Hold for 20 seconds and do this 3 times. Complete 3 times per day.
Lying on your stomach with your arms off the edge of the treatment table (bed or weight bench). Slowly and with control lift your arms up forming the letter “Y” with your arms. Repeat 10 times holding for 2 seconds each time. Complete 3 times per day.
Lying on your stomach with arms off the edge of treatment table (bed or weight bench). Bring your arms up straight to the sides making the letter “T” with your arms. Repeat 10 times holding for 2 seconds each time. Complete 3 times per day.
Start with hands on top part of the back of the head, together but un-clasped.
Lift chest up and forward to straighten out your upper back, then hold this position while tucking your chin (like making a double chin or nodding “yes”), and pushing upward and backward into your hands.
Lift HANDS ONLY up and backward while holding your upper back and neck in the same position, focusing on the contraction of your middle back muscles while you “tilt” them into your back pockets.
Straighten your elbows. Keep your thumbs pointed backward as you continue to on the contraction of your middle back muscles while you “tilt” them into your back pockets.
STOP immediately if you feel any pain. Hold each exercise for 2 seconds and complete the sequence 10 time. Do this 3 times per day.
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