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Massage Therapy is an incredibly beneficial treatment technique for most individuals. Whether it is used to reduce tension and pain from a chronic condition or from a temporary, sub-acute condition, it leads to muscle relaxation, natural endorphin release, and pain reduction. Additionally, It helps the immune system stay strong and plays a large role in keeping stress at bay in today’s busy and stressful world. People who take advantage of the benefits of massage, definitely achieve a natural sense of well being.

Benefits of Massage

Massage is for everyone. It can help infants, pregnant women, the elderly and basically anyone requiring relief and recovery from many types of conditions. Aside from positively affecting muscles and joints, it increases circulation to help supply nutrients to body tissues and also promotes elimination of waste products.

It also accelerates healing after trauma and aids in improving posture, muscle tone and flexibility. From a nervous system point of view, it alleviates tension and promotes both physical and psychological relaxation or release. For the patient with chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Asthma, and Cystic Fibrosis to name a few, massage improves these conditions by helping with deep breathing.

When choosing a massage therapist, it is best to give a few therapists a try to ensure that you find one that is best for you. There are many incredibly knowledgeable therapists and each one has their own style and techniques. Find one that you clearly know can help you; you will be sure of this when you can compare a few. This way you will be confident that your chosen therapist is a perfect fit for you and your condition.

The education of massage therapists, like that of all other health care professionals, is extremely rigorous, focusing on anatomy, physiology and hundreds of hours of practice. You are definitely in good hands with a Registered Massage Therapist.

Everyone can benefit from Massage Therapy, including:

  • People in physically demanding jobs (repetitive motions, the requirement of maintaining a constant position)
  • People with whiplash injuries
  • Athletes
  • People with arthritis, stiff joints, TMJ, and myofascial pain
  • Disabled people, or incapacitated people
  • Folks who wish to maintain good health and well being
  • Pregnant women and infants
  • People receiving palliative care
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