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Foot Arches

Foot Arches

How do your arches affect the way you walk?

There are two possible imbalances for your foot arches. You could have a flat foot (low arch) or a high arch. Your body tries to compensate for your flat or high arches, forcing your hips to rotate into an “unnatural” position. This can cause pain in your knees, hips and even translate up your body to your neck and back. Orthotics help to correct your arches, minimizing pain and improper weight distribution.

How do your arches affect your posture?

Did you know that the arches in your feet can affect everything from your foot position to posture all the way to the way you bite? You start with improper balance in your foot arches and this translates up the muscles, bones and joints in your legs, back, neck and head causing even more postural imbalances. Orthotics can help you keep your body in the correct alignment!


For more information about how orthotics work, click here

For more information about how a gait analysis is conducted to determine the need for orthotics, click here

To learn more about the electronic scanning system that we use to design your custom orthotics, click here.


PhysioMax Wellness is a Physiotherapy clinic located in Burlington, Ontario. PhysioMax Wellness offers; physiotherapychiropractic caremassage therapy and more. We use manual therapies as well as various modalities to improve the rate of healing from injuries. Our goal is to work with you and for you to create personalized plans to recover from injuries and help your reach your health goals for conditions you may have.

Julia de Reijke RKin, CSEP-CPT, BASc Kinesiology (Hons), DipFTHP


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